CNC Enclosure Door


Magnetic Door Latch

DoorMagnetLatchMount.scad DoorMagnetLatchMount.stl

3d Printed Magnetic Latch mount

Mounting the Door


parametric_butt_hinge_3.7.scad parametric_butt_hinge_7.stl

3d Printed Hinges

Door temporarily held on by clamps. Hinges mounted to the frame. Using a center locating punch through the hing mounting holes to locate where to drill the hole.

Determining the correct drilling points with a punch

Drilling Hinge Mounting Holes.
In this case I tapped the acrylic plate with a 1/4-20 tap. These holes need to be kept away from the edge otherwise breakage can occur. Additionally, spreading the load across many holes reduces the stress on any one hole.

Mounting the door with the hinges
Door mounted with the 1/4-20 bolts

Door Mounted to Hinges

Door Handle MU_HANDLE.3mf

Grub Boot Loader Not Found

Insert Grub console picture here

run the following commands

  • ls

Will show you all the drive parations


  • ls (hdo,gpt1)/

Will give you a listing of all the files on the dive

  • Find the drive that contains /boot


  • locate the grub.cfg

configfile /PathToFile/grub.cfg

configfile (hd0,gpt1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg

  • Grub boot menu should start.

  • Kernel is now running

  • Fix any broken packages
    dpkg –configure -a

  • Check systemctl

  • Look for any errors that may have occured.

  • Fix any filesystem errors that may have occures

  • look in /dev/disk/by-uuid

  • Perform fsck on any drives that require a repair.
    fsck /dev/disk/by-uuid/abc456

  • Often the grub loader cannot find the efi file

  • sudo apt install grub-efi-amd64

Numpy LeNet 5 with ADAM

John W Grun


In this paper, a manually implemented LeNet-5 convolutional NN with an Adam optimizer written in Numpy will be presented. This paper will also cover a description of the data used to train and test the network,technical details of the implementation, the methodology of training the network and determining hyper parameters, and present the results of the effort.


LeNet-5 was created by Yuan Lecun and described in the paper “Gradient-Based Learning Applied To Document Recognition” . LeNet-5 was one of the first convolutional neural networks used on a large scale to automatically classify hand-written digits on bank checks in the United States. Prior to LeNet, most character recognition was done by using feature engineering by hand, followed by a simple machine learning model like K nearest neighbors (KNN) or Support Vector Machines (SVM). LeNet made hand engineering features redundant, because the network learns the best internal representation from training images automatically.

This paper will cover some of the technical details of a manual Numpy implementation of LeNet-5 convolutional Neural Network including the details about the training set, structure of the lenet-5 CNN, weights and biases initialization, optimizer, gradient descent, the loss function, and speed enhancements. The paper will also cover the methodology used during training and selecting hyperparameters as well as the performance on the test dataset.

Related work

There are numerous examples of numpy implementations of LeNet 5 found across the internet but, none with more significance than any other. Lenet-5 is now a common architecture used to teach new students fundamental concepts of convolutional neural network

Data Description

The MNIST database of handwritten digits, contains a training set of 60,000 examples, and a test set of 10,000 examples. Each example is a 28 x 28 pixel grayscale image.
All training and test examples of the MNIST were converted from gray scale images to bilevel representation to simplify the function the CNN needed to learn. Only pixel positional information is required to correctly classify digits, while grayscale offers no useful additional information and only aids in increasing complexity. The labels of both the test and training examples were converted to one hot vectors to make them compatible with the softmax output and cross entropy loss function. Both indexes of the training and test sets were further randomized to ensure each batch was a random distribution of all 10 classes.

Model Description


The model is a implementation of LeNet 5 with the following structure:

  • Input 28 x 28
  • Convolutional layer (Pad = 2 , Stride = 1, Activation = ReLu, Filters = 6, Size = 5)
  • Max Pool (Filter = 2, Stride = 2)
  • Convolutional layer (Pad = 0 , Stride = 1, Activation = ReLu, Filters = 16 )
  • Max Pool (Filter = 2, Stride = 2)
  • Convolutional layer (Pad = 0 , Stride = 1, Activation = ReLu, Filters = 120)
  • Fully Connected ( Size = 120, Activation = ReLu)
  • Fully Connected (Size = 84, Activation = ReLu)
  • Soft Max ( 10 Classes )

Weight and bias initialization

Since the original lenet-5 predates many of the more optimal weight initialization schemes such as Xavier or HE initialization, the weights were initialized with numpy random.randn while biases were zero filled with numpy zeros.


At first a constant learning rate optimizer was used for this network but, stable convergence required a very small learning rate. This small learning rate required a very long training time to achieve a reasonable accuracy on the test set. The constant learning rate optimizer was replaced with a numpy implementation of the ADAM optimizer. ADAM allowed for the use of higher learning rate that resulted in quicker and smoother convergence. The formulas that describe ADAM are shown below:

Gradient Descent

This implementation of LeNet-5 uses Mini-batch gradient descent. Mini-batch gradient descent is a trade-off between stochastic gradient descent (training on 1 sample at a time) and gradient descent (training on the entire training set). In mini-batch gradient descent, the cost function (and therefore gradient) is averaged over a small number of samples. Mini batch gradient descent was selected due to its increased convergence rate and the ability to escape local minimum.

Loss function

LeNet 5 produces a 10 class categorical output representing the numbers 0 to 9. The original LeNEt-5 used Maximum a posteriori (MAP) as the loss loss function. Cross-entropy was chosen as the loss function in this implementation instead of MAP since cross entropy appears to be the dominant loss function for similar classification problems and source code was available to check against. The formula for cross entropy loss is given below:

Speed Enhancements

To train the CNN in a reasonable amount of time several performance enhancements had to be made.

The python profiler was used to identify locations in the code that would have the largest effect on performance. The convolutional and max pooling layers consumed the majority of the running time. The running time of the convolutional and max pool layers was decreased by first converting the single threaded functions into multithreaded functions. Processing was divided up equally across the number of threads. Once threading was confirmed to be working properly, the Numba Just in Time compiler (JIT) was employed to convert python functions into native code. Numba JIT was then liberally applied throughout the code. These enhancements reduced the training time from over 1 day to a few hours, constituting a 6-8x speed up on average.

Method Description And Experimental Procedure

The LeNet 5 model implementation was trained on the MNIST dataset. After each training, the training loss versus epoch was plotted. The learning rate was decreased until the training loss vs epochs was a monotonically decreasing function. The number of epochs was selected to minimize the training loss while the training loss continued to decrease with every training epoch. Adjustments to the epochs sometimes also required adjustments to the learning rate to keep the training loss vs epoch a monotonically decreasing function.
In addition to the training loss, the prediction accuracy was computed. The accuracy was computed by the following method:
The input images were forward propagated through the network with the weights and biases learned during training. The class with the largest magnitude was selected as the prediction. The predicted class was compared to the label for a given input image. The percentage of correct predictions was computed across all input images forward propagated through the network.
The prediction accuracy was computed for both the training and testing sets . In a well trained network (one not underfitting or overfitting ) the test prediction accuracy should be close to the training prediction accuracy. If the training prediction accuracy is far greater than the test prediction accuracy it is a sign the network is overfitting on the training data and failing to generalize well.
The batch size was selected primary upon the cache limitations of the processor. A batch size of around 32 was determined to be small enough to fit in cache while also large enough to reduce overhead from thread context switching.


Hyper parameters

The hyper parameters for this numpy implementation of LeNet 5 are as follows:

  • Epochs = 20
  • Learning rate = 0.0002
  • Batch = 32

Training time

The total training time was brought down from 26 hours to train on the entire training set of 60000 examples to only 2.75 hours after applying speed enhancements.

Training loss

The training loss of LeNet-5 as plotted over 20 epochs. The training loss is monotonically decreasing indicating the network is effectively learning to differentiate between the ten classes in the MNIST dataset.


Accuracy on test set = 95.07%
Accuracy on Train set = 94.90%
The Lenet-5 implementation achieved a high accuracy on the test and train sets without a significant difference in prediction accuracy between the train and test sets which would be an indication of overfitting.


A Lenet 5 Convolutional Neural Network has been implemented only using Numpy that yields prediction accuracies over 95% on the test set. The network was trained on all 60000 examples found in the MNIST dataset and tested against the 10000 examples in the MNIST test set. The network used the standard LeNet Architecture with modifications where required. To decrease convergence time, a numpy ADAM optimizer was written. Several speed enhancements such as multi threading and just in time compilation were employed to decrease training time to a reasonable period.


[1] Lavorini, Vincenzo. “Speeding up Your Code (4): in-Time Compilation with Numba.” Medium, Medium, 6 Mar. 2018,
[2] “Convolutional Neural Networks.” Coursera,
[3] LeCun, Yann. MNIST Demos on Yann LeCun’s Website,
[4] Lecun, Y., Bottou, L., Bengio, Y., & Haffner, P. (1998). Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(11), 2278–2324. doi:10.1109/5.726791
[5] “MNIST Database.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Apr. 2019,
[6] “Cross Entropy.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 8 May 2019,
[7] “Stochastic Gradient Descent.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Mar. 2019,


BumbleBee Quad Copter



Frame Configuration

Quad X


Readytosky Pixhawk PX4 Flight Controller Autopilot PIX 2.4.8 32 Bit Flight Control Board+Safety Switch+Buzzer+I2C Splitter Expand Module+16GB SD Card

Readytosky M8N GPS Module Built-in Compass Protective Case with GPS Antenna Mount for Standard Pixhawk 2.4.6 2.4.8 Flight Controller

Remote Control

Turnigy TGY-I6

PWM To PPM Conversion

usmile PPM Encoder With 10pin Input & 4pin Output Cable For Pixhawk/PPZ/MK/MWC/Pirate Flight Control

Motor Controllers

Turnigy MultiStar V.20

Internal BEC provides 5V to the rest of the system
WARNING: If using ESC BECs to power your system you may need to disconnect all but one of the 5 volt connections from the ESC BEC. Only 1 power source!


3300 mAH Battery




Mission Planner ( Ground Control )

APM Planner V2.0




Motor Connections

Front Left

Front Right

Rear Left

Rear Right

Peer to Peer Domain Name System (P2PN-DNS)

John Grun


In this paper, we introduce the Peer to Peer Network Domain Name System (P2PN-DNS) a distributed implementation of the
Domain Name System (DNS) that hopes to offer solutions to shortcomings of the current DNS such as susceptibility to outages while mitigating attempts of domain name censorship, and provide a fault tolerant name lookup service for software containers that is independent of upstream servers. Performance metrics including the time to reach consistency between nodes, service availability in lieu of loss of nodes, and average response time to DNS queries will be examined.

I. Introduction

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical element of internet infrastructure that associates IP addresses to human readable domain names. E.g is located a IP: When DNS was introduced in 1987 with the RFC 1034 /RFC 1035 17/18 standards, the internet consisted of relatively few computers where a simple hierarchical tree model functioned well.
As the internet scaled, DNS was expanded to accommodate the exponential growth in computers. In this regard, DNS has been a tremendous success but, it is not without serious flaws, most notably respectability to attacks on or failures of the Root DNS servers. A Root DNS Server acts as the authoritative source for the entire network.

Figure 1: DNS tree structure 24

In part due to the tree structure of DNS, there are only thirteen DNS Root Servers in the world. An attacker only needs to target a few DNS root servers to cripple IP address to domain name translation in an entire region effectively blocking internet access for most users. Attacks against DNS Root Servers have occurred and appear to be becoming more frequent from various entities, such as hackers, or state actors. It is also quite conceivable that DNS would be a target in wartime. Additionally, centrally located servers are vulnerable to regional events such as power outages or natural disasters.

Another issue that has been seen in the wild is the censorship of websites by state, corporate, or other actors via DNS poisoning. DNS poisoning blocks access to websites by disrupting the domain name lookup between a DNS resolver and the regional DNS server. E.g is located at IP: China 26 and Iran 25 have both used DNS poisoning to block access to internet domains. Corporations such as Charter, Comcast, and Optonline 3 have used DNS poisoning to reroute search results away from competitor websites or to collect advertising profits.

An additional limitation of the existing DNS system is a lack of software container support.
Existing DNS solutions for software containers either rely upon a DNS repeater or upon a standard DNS server. These methods simply extend the existing DNS system. If the upstream DNS is made inoperable or poisoned, the containers will be affected as well. This dependency upon existing DNS introduces a single point of failure into what would otherwise be fault tolerant architecture.

The aforementioned problems encountered are a consequence of the centralized hierarchical architecture of DNS. A different architecture can be defined to address these problems while providing the same functionality. We propose to build a decentralized Peer to Peer Network DNS (P2PN-DNS) that will not rely on central servers. We intended to take the best practices from existing distributed robust protocols such as bitTorrent and bitcoin to accomplish our goal. Also, each P2PN-DNS node should be able to contain an internal store of the domain name IP address relations without relying on additional software or servers.

There have been several different methods over the years to address some or all of the aforementioned problems with DNS.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a implementation of DNS known as Amazon Route 53. Route 53 is believed to be a distributed DNS system but, architectural details have not been forthcoming from Amazon.27

Another project DC/OS, (the Distributed Cloud Operating System) contains an internal DNS repeater. While the DC/OS DNS repeater is distributed on the internal network and consists of multiple nodes, it is not a true distributed peer to peer DNS. The DC/OS DNS is a redundant DNS system that acts as a DNS forwarder from a DNS server further up the DNS tree making it vulnerable to the same issues as DNS.28 See

A third related work, Kad Node claims to be a small peer to peer DNS resolver or to act as a DNS proxy. Kad node stores DNS records in a distributed hash table, similar to our proposal but, it differs in that it does not appear to utilize a hash based DNS update ordering scheme. At the writing of this paper Kad Node appears to be inactive. 29 See Kad Node at

III. Contribution

Technical Problems

The main technical concerns affecting a distributed DNS are the same as those encountered in any system where information is distributed between disparate nodes, namely data consistency, availability, and network partition tolerance. As stated by the CAP (Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance) theorem, it is impossible for a distributed data store to simultaneously provide all three of the guarantees of consistency, availability, and partition tolerance at any given time. This implies compromises must be made between the three. In the case of a distributed DNS the decision as to which guarantees to support and which to neglect is relatively straight forward. In a real world environment, computers crash, network connections fail, and infrastructure can be disabled, thus network partition tolerance is a requirement of any realistic distributed DNS. As a critical service of internet infrastructure, DNS must be always available for the internet to operate properly. Thus availability is a required guarantee as well.

With partition tolerance and availability as required guarantees, continuous consistency becomes impossible to guarantee according to the CAP theorem. In the case of DNS, continuous consistency is not a requirement and eventual consistency is more than sufficient. In fact, currently a DNS record updates are eventually consistent and can take up to 24 hours to complete.

Partition tolerance and availability can both be addressed by designing each node to operate independently of all the others on the network. The independent nodes need only exchange update information to ensure eventual consistency of the DNS records. In this architecture, the more nodes added to a network, the more reliable the system will become.

In a distributed system relying upon eventual consistency to make data agree across nodes, the issue of order of updates arises, since there is the possibility of updates arriving at other nodes in a different order than they must be applied to ensure agreement between nodes.
This can be addressed by writing updates to a commit log prior to writing the DNS update. A commit log is a data structure that keeps track of the operations to be performed in first in first out (FIFO) order. When a new DNS record update is received by a node, the update is first written to the commit log. While changes are in the commit log, actions can be taken to ensure the correct ordering of the updates. The ordering of the commits can be verified and corrected by comparing timestamps or by using a hashing based scheme. An update will only be removed from the commit log once the node has finished updating the DNS record.

Figure 2: Commit Log Functionality 16

There are some properties of DNS record updates that allow for some simplifications.
Since the update history of each domain name in DNS is independent of all other domain names, we do not need to ensure ordering between different domain names. This property can be utilized to simplify the consistency requirement since it greatly limits the amount of possible combinations in ordering. We need only establish an update chain on a per domain name basis.
The update history can be established with timestamping. Each update is time stamped, and if every node is synced to the same clock the order of updates can be ordered correctly. If the nodes do not have a common clock source this method fails to guarantee the correct update ordering. This ordering problem is what data structures and algorithms such as Merkle trees and blockchains were developed to solve. A Blockchain or Merkle tree takes a hash of a data record, then the next data update in line is a hash of the new update combined with the previous hash. The update received by a node can be confirmed ordered correctly by hashing the previous hash with the current update and comparing the result. If the hash is the same, the DNS record can be updated. If the hash is incorrect a Quorum can be called to reach a consensus between nodes. Since a record update is only concerned about the most recent update and is not dependent upon the entire history of the update chain the ordering requirement can be relaxed to only include the last few updates. In this case, a Quorum can serve the purpose of correcting out of order entries. This situation may arise if some nodes do not receive a DNS update or network issues cause updates to arrive in the wrong order.

The next technical challenge is how to store the DNS records. Since DNS are retrieved based upon the domain name, the most logical method is a simple key value store, where the domain name is used as the key and the corresponding ip address is the value.

Another issue that arises in the real world is the need to automatically find peers. In a small scale system, manually assigning peer address is possible but, as the system scales this method quickly becomes untenable. Nodes must employ a method to locate each other without the intervention of humans. One such method that has proven to be quite effective in other distributed applications is the distributed hash table (DHT). A distributed hash table (DHT) provides a lookup service similar to a hash table: (key, value) pairs are stored in a DHT, and any participating node can efficiently retrieve the value associated with a given key. Responsibility for maintaining the mapping from keys to values is distributed among the nodes, in such a way that a change in the set of participants causes a minimal amount of disruption. This allows a DHT to scale to an extremely large numbers of nodes while handling continual node arrivals, and departures.

Figure 3: Distributed Hash Table Functionality 15

Possibly the hardest technical problem to address in a distributed system is known as the “Trust Problem.” The trust problem brings forth the question of which node is friendly, and which is malicious. If this implementation was utilized on the open web, the trust problem can be addressed with strategies such as proof of work as employed by technologies such as Blockchain. Nevertheless, if only running on a isolated network, methods such as trusted tokens would are viable. This problem is beyond the scope of this paper but, the authors felt it was important enough to mention and it will have to be addressed in future releases.

IV. Algorithm and Implementation

The implementation of P2PN-DNS involved the union of several aforementioned key concepts in distributed computing, the key-value store, distributed hash table, and the commit log.

Figure 4: Implementation Block Diagram

At the most basic level DNS can be viewed as a key value store where the domain name serves as the key and the IP address serves as the value. In practice, the DNS domain name to ip address relation is called a resource record and may contain a plethora of data including IP address, CNAME, TXT, etc. For our demonstration only a simple domain name to ip address was implemented.

The main data structure enabling P2PN-DNS is the distributed hash table. In theory a distributed hash table appears simple but, in practice the implementation of the data structure and overlay network can be very labor and time intensive. There was no reason to reinvent the wheel for P2PN-DNS so, OpenDHT was used for the DHT. OpenDHT aligns well with the scope and goals of P2PN-DNS while bundling in support for other desirable features such as IPv4 and IPv6, public key cryptography, distributed shared keys, and an overall concise, and clear approach. OpenDHT can be found at

Since OpenDHT was originally targeted similar distributed applications, the key-value store and commit log functionality were already present and did not have to be implemented independently.

The other major facet of P2PN-DNS was the implementation of the DNS protocol. DNS protocol support was based upon a bare bones implementation of DNS called SimpleDNS. The C source code had to be heavily modified to make it compatible with the C++ elements of P2PN-DNS. Most eventenly the use of C++ 11 std::function as callbacks. Additionally, the DNS update (22) message had to be implemented. The DNS update (22) message did not become a public facing feature in the current DNS system and as such it is not included in most DNS resolvers. Systems that do implement a DNS update scheme are called Dynamic Dns or (DDNS) and have accompanying attenication to update a DNS record. (DDNS) is not directly compatible with standard DNS and relies upon an authoritative entity to make the DNS update to the rest of the Domain Name System. In the interests of time and simplicity, a minimal DNS update scheme was implemented. This shortcoming will be rectified in future releases. Please see for the original SimpleDNS source code at

The ordering of the updates is determined strictly based upon timestamp in this release. This timestamp method works as long as all the nodes are time synced. This is not a valid assumption in a real world environment as nodes may be operating on seperate networks with differing time sources. In future releases a hash bashed ordering scheme as mentioned in Section 3 will be investigated.

The source code for the P2PN-DNS and further documentation can be found at:

V. Results and Analysis

Experiment and Evaluation

There are a few metrics that matter in a real world application such as the response time to DNS queries, service availability in lieu of loss of nodes, and the average time required to sync records across nodes. For our experiments we propose to examine these metrics and compare, where applicable, to the current DNS system. Dnsmasq will serve as the comparison benchmark as it is a widely deployed DNS forwarder for DNS queries.

To measure the response time of the nodes to a DNS request, a DNS request was sent to a P2PN-DNS node via the dig utility, and the record response was recorded. The time taken from request to response was recorded by Wireshark. The same method was employed against DNS(dnsmasq). Five common domain names were chosen;,,,, and Three samples were taken for each domain name on both P2PN-DNS and dnsmasq to establish a trend and to compensate for outliers. This resulted in 15 queries per dnsmasq and 15 queries for P2PN-DNS. Dnsmasq was running on same network as P2PN-DNS. P2PN-DNS records were added via the DNS update message prior to running the experiment.

Figure 5: Query Response Times of DNS versus P2PN-DNS

The first request for each domain name to Dnsmasq was of longer duration.This was due to Dnsmasq requesting current information from a higher tier DNS server( Google DNS The second and third requests were served from the Dnsmasq local cache, hence the much shorter duration in response time. P2PN-DNS had slightly longer response time than the Dnsmasq cached response but, less than the first non cached result. This behavior was to be expected as P2PN-DNS has to search the DHT on every lookup and currently does not have local caching enabled. Response time of P2PN-DNS could be improved by enabling local caching in future releases.

To test to the availability of P2PN-DNS in lieu of loss of nodes, is to observe the behavior of the P2PN-DNS nodes when nodes disappear from the network. To conduct this experiment, five nodes were started. A DNS record update message was sent to one of the nodes. The nodes were allowed to reach a consistent state where all nodes are informed of the updated record as observed by querying each node for the updated record. One node was be taken offline at a time. Each time a node was removed, the DNS records were checked for consistency between the remaining nodes.

Figure 6: Progression of loss of nodes to test availability

The DNS record was returned correctly even after only one node of the original five remained. This shows that the P2PN-DNS can fulfill the availability and partition tolerance guarantees even as nodes are removed from the network.

To observe the amount of time required to sync records across nodes, the timestamp in the commit log was compared between two different nodes. The difference in the arrival timestamp between the two nodes is directly correlated to the time required to sync records. To ensure accurate timestamping, all nodes were tied to an common clock and synced with Network Time Protocol (NTP).

Figure 7: Syslog output from two nodes

In the figure above, the syslog output of two nodes can be observed. To produce these results, a DNS update packet was sent to one node. Syslog was monitored for logs containing information about the record update between the two nodes. The update to a record can be seen in one node and in less than one second later, the update is available on the other node. Network capabilities have an impact on the overall record sync time and can affect time jitter. The network variability(jitter) timing issue was avoided by running the nodes on the same network with a common NTP server.

VI. Conclusion

With our implementation of a distributed DNS we were able to find a workable tradeoff between consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. By conducting thorough experiments and analysis, we showed that P2PN-DNS can guarantee eventually consistency, availability, and partition tolerance while also providing a comparable amount time required to process DNS queries as compared to existing DNS solutions such as DNSmasq.P2PN-DNS was shown to be available even as nodes were removed giving credence to the claim that P2PN-DNS would be less susceptible than current DNS to regional outages or purposeful attacks.
Additionally, the distributed nature of P2PN-DNS makes it applicable for software containers which would benefit from a fault tolerant solution such as P2PN-DNS.

VII. References

[1] “Domain Name System”. N.p., 2017. Web. 2 November 2017.
[2] “Distributed Denial of Service Attacks on Root Nameservers ”. N.p., 2017. Web. 2 November 2017.
[3] “I Fought My ISPS Bad Behavior and Won”. Eric Helgeson. Web. 2 November 2017.
[4] Eckersley, Technical Analysis by Peter. “Widespread Hijacking of Search Traffic in the United States.” Electronic Frontier Foundation, 14 Oct. 2011. Web. 2 November 2017.
[5] “Transaction Log”. N.p., 2017. Web. 2 November 2017.
[6] “Merkle Tree”. N.p., 2017. Web. 2 November 2017.
[7] Kangasharju, Jussi. Chapter 4: Distributed Systems: Replication and Consistency. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 November 2017.
[8] “Blockchain”. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 November 2017.
[9] Jacquin, Ludovic, et al. “The Trust Problem in Modern Network Infrastructures.” SpringerLink, Springer, Cham, 28 Apr. 2015. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 November 2017.
[10] “ACID”. N.p., 2017. Web. 8 November 2017.
[11] DataStax Academy Follow. “A Deep Dive Into Understanding Apache Cassandra.”LinkedIn SlideShare, 25 Sept. 2013. N.p., 2017. Web. 2 December 2017.
[12] “Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Systems.” SlidePlayer. N.p., 2017. Web. 2 December 2017
[13] “Non-Transitive Connectivity and DHTs “
[14] “Amazon Route 53”. N.p., 2017. Web. 6 December 2017.
[15] “Distributed hash table” N.p., 2017. Web. 6 December 2017.
[16] “FIFO (computing and electronics)” N.p., 2017. Web. 6 December 2017.
[17] “RFC 1034 DOMAIN NAMES - CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES”, N.p., 2017. Web. 2 November 2017.
[18] “RFC 1035 DOMAIN NAMES - IMPLEMENTATION AND SPECIFICATION” , N.p., 2017. Web. 2 November 2017.
[19] “Embedded DNS server in user-defined networks” N.p., 2017. Web. 2 November 2017.
[20] “OpenDHT” Web. 2 November 2017.
[21] “SimpleDNS: Web. 2 November 2017.
[22] “ Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE)” Web. 2 November 2017.
[23] “ You can’t Peer to Peer the DNS”
[24] “DNS Server”
[25] “Internet censorship in Iran”
[26] “Great Firewall”
[27] “ Amazon Route 53”
[28] “DC/OS”
[29] “Kad Node”

Hexo Asset Posts Work Around

Even though Hexo suports markdown, the current asset folders implmention is hacky at best.It does not allow for additional fields. Without the asset_path or image tag your image will often not show up on the index page.The following code will allow you to set properties and display the image on the index page <img src="{% asset_path image_0.png %}" style="width: 90%;"/> A better way would be to include the markdown file in the Asset Folder.

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Investigation of Memory Dependence Strategies

Computer ArchitectureInvestigation of Memory Dependence Prediction Strategies with SimpleScalarLorenzo Allas, John Grun, Sanandeesh Kamat 0.0 AbstractA dynamically scheduled processor may default to in-order execution of Load/Store instructions to avoid Memory Order Violations. This is because, loads executed out of order may be dependent upon prior stores, the addresses of which were initially unknown. To overcome the potentially wasted clock cycles of conservatively stalled loads, known as False Dependencies, Memory Dependence Predictor (MDP) schemes have been developed. This paper demonstrates the implementation of two experimental MDP schemes, Store Sets and Counting Dependence Predictor (CDP) within the SimpleScalar framework. In addition, it demonstrates two baseline MDP schemes, No Speculation and Naive Speculation. The conceptual overview, the software implementation details, as well as quantitative simulation results are provided. The performance of these MDP schemes has been evaluated in terms of three metrics: the number of Memory Order Violations, the number of False Dependencies, and the average IPC. Although the results did not indicate a performance enhancement in terms of execution time, they do demonstrate expected behavior in terms of Memory Order Violations and False Dependencies. Possible implementation shortcomings, and future alterations are later proposed.

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